Who are we?

Our Goal

CS for All Washington is an advocacy group that has a single goal:

Ensure every student in Washington state has joyful, empowering, equitable, and identity-inclusive experiences learning about computing, no matter their race, gender, ability, class, or citizenship.

our Strategy

We try to achieve this through two strategies:

Our activities

Our current activities involve four things:

Our community

We are led by volunteer advocates. You can see our current leadership team, along with details about how we operate, on our operations site. You can also see every community advocate who has shared their information publicly.

our Support

We are not a business, school, not-for-profit, or a government organization. Rather, we are a community of stakeholders that connects all of these things, across silos. That means that you can help, if you can spare an hour a week. Check out the volunteer page for ways to help!

We do not take funding from state government or from industry. We occasionally write small grants to the Expanding Computing Education Pathways (ECEP), a National Science Foundation-funded alliance of 23 state teams and the territory of Puerto Rico that is working to increase the number and diversity of students in computing and K-16 computing education pathways through advocacy and policy reform efforts. ECEP connects us to teams and communities in other states, sharing best practices, so that we can do our community organizing better.

Want to reach us? Visit our contact page for how.